A. Background of the Study
is a means of communication. By using language people can express their
feelings, thoughts, and minds. People use language to communicate with other
in fulfilling their daily needs. In fact, language has played important role in
human life. As stated by Ramelan (1992: 10) language is an arbitary system of
speech sound which is used in interpersonal communication by as aggregation of
human being and which is rather exhaustively catalogs things, processes and
events in human environment. Because of this, people use language functions as
a means of international communication among the nations all over the world.
is important for us to learn language especially English since it is an
international language which is used as a means of communication among nation
in the world either in spoken or written interaction. In addition, the use of
English is very important as a means of communication so that the interest in
learning English grow very rapidly. Although English is not the largest number
of native or ‘first’ language speakers, it is widely used by many people all
over the world as their ‘second’ language (Harmer, 200: 1). In this
globalization era, Indonesian people in their daily life will frequently use
(1992: 2) said that English is the first foreign language to be taught in
Indonesia. It is taught from elementary school up to university. As the first
foreign language, English is considered difficult to learn by indonesian students
because learning English is something new for them. It is different from
learning their native language. They have been surrounded by their mother
tongue and spoken in their native language since their childhood. By this case,
many problems appear in learning process, especially for the students of
university. Their ability to participate in learning process is below average
so that they can not reach maximum mark as it is expected. In teaching and
learning process students must demonstrate proficient skills: listening,
speaking, reading and writing.
of the important aspects in learning a foreign language is listening. Listening
plays an important role in the language learning. It is a demanding process,
not only because of the complexity of the process itself but also due to
factors that characterize the listener, the speaker, the content of the message
and any visual support that accompanies the message. It gives the learner
information from which to build the knowledge necessary for using the language.
Listening provides the necessary input for learners to acquire the language
needed for practicing a language.
is the language modality that is used most frequently. It has been estimated
that adults spend almost half their communication time for listening, and
students may receive as much as 90% of their in-school information through
listening to the instructors and to one another. Often, however, language
learners do not recognize the level of effort that goes into developing
listening ability.
attempting the realization of the above objective, STKIP PGRI Ngawi via the
department of English language art program has arranged its syllabus. In this
research, the researcher only focuses on Listening I. In Listening I students
are expected to be able identifying main idea, listening for detailed
information, predicting and guessing words. They are also expected to be able
accustomed the attentive of text.
the above ideal condition is too far the reality. There is an extreme gap between
what the institution expects and the real condition. One of the weaknesses
which the students have in learning English based on the researcher’s
observation is listening competence. Most of them get difficulties in
identifying main idea, predicting and guessing words. The condition is
influenced by many factors. One of them is students did not have the courage to
explain or to ask their difficulties to the lecturer. They could not solve the
problem given by their lecturer.
English lecturers at the college where the researcher carries out a research
still used the teacher-centered method and traditional method in teaching
listening. Some of them just focused on listening conversation and monologue
after that they ask to the students to choose the best option based on the
context. Beside that, they asked the students to find the meaning of difficult
words in the functional texts.
used monotonous method in their teaching-learning process and were not
motivated to find new strategies or methods which are more interesting and
effective. In fact, students need new strategy or method to encourage them to
improve their understanding about listening functional texts. It means that
they need a certain condition to express their aspiration.
on the result of research that the researcher conducts, among 30 students, the
researcher found that the students who got mark ≥ 70.00 were only 7 students, 23 students got less
than 70.00. In
discriminating sounds most of students still have mistakes in writing the word.
Ex: /the/ into /that/, /historical/ into
/history/, and /nineteen/ into /ninety/
when they fill in cloze dictation. It happens because they rarely practice to
listen and write the word directly. When they identify the main idea and listen
for detailed most of them also had difficulties in answering the questions
because they have less vocabulary.
second based on the result of interview test that the researcher conducted. The
researcher took out 10 from 45 students to do interview randomly. Mostly they
didn’t show the written and oral version well. For examples from 10
students that the researcher interviewed, they have problem which is caused by
the speed from dialogue or monologue given, they are difficult to recognize sight words and discriminate sounds with letters,
and they didn’t have good grammar.
fact, listening is the most frequently used language skill in everyday life.
Listening is a highly integrative skill. It is assuming greater importance in
foreign language classroom. Unlike other language skills such as reading and
writing, which can be observed directly, listening is an abstract, intricate
“process of hearing, identifying, understanding and interpreting spoken
language” (Lewis, 2007). Many students have
significant problems with listening. The speed of utterances, the reduced forms
of natural English, the use of intonation for meaning, and unfamiliar accents,
all take their tools and it is essential to give learners at all levels plenty
of practice. Therefore the choice of appropriate method is a great
significance in developing listening skills and improving student’s overall
language learning.
teachers think that listening is the easiest skill to teach, whereas most
students think it is the most difficult to improve. This contradiction warns
teachers that there is something about teaching listening that needs to be
investigated. It must be discovered about how listening can be enhanced and
what activities are useful to this purpose and then fully make use of knowledge
and these activities in the classroom. Listening cannot be improved in a short
time. It is easily understandable that second language learners should make
great efforts to improve their overall second language level rather than focus
their time and effort on one single aspect only. However difficult it is, it
needs not only perseverance, but also some effective techniques.
Based on the primarily observation on teaching and learning
process in STKIP PGRI Ngawi, the researcher had found some factors considered
as the sources that caused the problems mentioned above. The first cause was
the poor of students’ vocabulary mastery; second, the students’ mastery in
pronunciation is low; and the lack of intonation understanding. Viewed from the
lecturer, the teaching learning process showed that it was monotonous. The
spoken exercises given are taken from text books. It means the students just
listen and must memorize the materials which are strange and abstract for them.
The lecturer’s teaching techniques are not quite attractive and challenging.
The technique which was applied during teaching learning process made the
students in such passive situation as they often got broad oral explanation
from their teacher. Moreover, there is lack of media to practice with. Besides,
the listening test has a limited time to do for the students. The lecturer
focused more on doing exercises of the students’ activities. As the result,
when the English class is going on, the students get nervous. Even some of them
like to leave their class. Due to the fact it is necessary to make an attempt
to improve student’s listening ability by applying another technique.
English lecturer must be able to improve students’ motivation to
study English better by creating an interesting situation that make the
students actively ask, discuss, and express their ideas and feeling. Actually
there are several techniques in teaching English as a foreign language to
increase the students’ motivation to pay attention to the items being taught.
One of them is to improve the students’ ability by using cloze dictation in
English class.
dictation is teaching technique to know how far the students understand about
text. It means that the students are given a written version of the text (along
with the spoken version) where the written passage has certain portions left
out. The students must listen to the spoken material and fill in the blanks in
the written version. Other factors being equal, cloze dictation is an easier
task from the students’ point of view though it takes more effort to prepare
from the vantage point of the examiner. It is easier to perform because more
sensory information is given concerning the message - a cloze written version
and a complete spoken version. This technique is extremely useful for testing
both reading and listening ability. It is challenging so, the students get more
vocabulary from learning words based on the context.
Listening is one factor which gives
great influence in English for it is one alternative to solve the ability of
students to understand text, structure, and vocabulary. However, in this case
the researcher only focuses her observation to the ability of students in the
first semester of STKIP PGRI Ngawi to understand text orally by using cloze
dictation model.
on the description above the researcher is interested in the use of Action
Research for improving student’s ability by using cloze test, because cloze
dictation is proposed as an alternative way to sharpen the students’ thought
and their sense of analysis. It is also good to stimulate the students to think
fast and accurately (in this case, it is used when the students have to fill
the blank space) by listening through head set or tape recorder.
most important thing is that the choice of cloze test must be able to arouse
the students’ curiosity and their enthusiasm to practice listening without fear
or feeling bored. Hopefully it will help the students to understand texts by
using cloze dictation, especially if it is done gradually and continuously
B. Problem Statement
research is formulated to reach the expected result to help students listening
Can the technique of using cloze dictation improve the
students‘ listening ability?
What are the strengths and weaknesses using cloze dictation
in the students’ listening ability?
What happens to the class situation if cloze dictation
technique is used to improve students’ listening ability?
C. The Objective of
the Study
This research is aimed to improve
the students’
listening ability.
In details, this research has the objectives:
To know whether technique of using cloze dictation can
improve the students’ listening ability
To know whether cloze dictation has the strengths and
weaknesses of students’ listening ability.
To find out what happens to the class situation if cloze
dictation is used to improve students’listening ability.
D. The Benefits of
the Study
For the students
a. The students’
English listening skill increases
b. The students
are trained to understand cloze dictation frequently
c . The students’
vocabulary will increase automatically
2. For
the lecturer/ teachers
It increases teachers’ high creativity, professionalism, and dedicated to reach
series of academic achievement continuously in English.
It will help the teacher to facilitate the teaching process and to solve the
problem of listening difficulties.
3. For Schools
The school can increase the quality of teaching process the learning process
runs smoothly.
The school can get positive improvement by giving freedom to the teacher to
design the teaching materials and the teaching learning interaction.
The result of the research hopefully will show how important what they have
done to the institution.
A. Review of Related
1. Listening
This section contains the definitions
of listening, learning to listen, types of listening, listening problems, types
of classroom listening perfomance, and assesment of listening.
of Listening
Myers and Myers (1999: 143) state that listening is not only hearing, but
also including the added dimensions of understanding, paying attention,
analyzing, and evaluating the spoken messages, and possibly acting on the basis
of what has been heard. Similarly, Floyd as quoted by Myers and Myers, defines
listening as receiver orientation to the communication process, since
communication involves both of source and a receiver. Rost (1994: 2) states
thta listening is a process triggered by our attention. In psychological terms,
attention is an excitation of nerve pathways, the brain, to organize incoming
stimuli in an efficient way. Farlex (2007: 2) defines that listening is the act
of hearing attentively.
The other definition of listening from Underwood (1997: 1) states that
listening is the activity of paying attention to and trying to get meaning from
something we hear. She explains that to listen successfully to spoken language,
a listener needs to be able to work out what speakers mean when they use
particular words in particular ways on particular occasions, and not simply to
understand the words themselves. To understand the message from spoken
language, it is not enough to just understand the words themselves; instead the
incoming sound needs to be processed involving any available cues like
background noises, the speakers, the setting, etc. To construct meaning.
Not all listening is the same; casual greetings, for example, require a
different sort of listening capability than do academic lecturers. Language learning
requires international listening that employs strategies for identifying sounds
and making meaning from them.
There are many different types of listening which can be classified
according to number variables, including purpose for listening, the role of
listener, and types of text being listened to. These variables are mixed in
many different configurations, each which will require a particular strstegy on
the part of the listener. To be successful in listening to foreign language,
listeners are required to apply such strategy that best fit to comprehend
Listening purpose is an important variables. Listening to a news broadcast
to get general idea of the news of the day involves differene day involves
different processes and strategies from listening to the same broadcast for
specific information such as the result of an important sporting event.
Listening to a sequence of instructt processes and strategies from listening to
the same broadcast for specific information such as the result of an important
sporting event. Listening to a sequence of instructions for operating a new
piece of computer software requires different listening skills and strategies
from listening to a poem or a short story.
2. Learning to Listen
comprehension also has an important role in determining the learner’s success
in learning language, especially in communication. We cannot communicate with
others if we do not understand what the speaker intends. That is why there is a
lot of misunderstanding between the listener and the speaker. Why
misunderstanding always occurs in communication, what the speaker said and
intended, is determined by the listener’s ability in answering the speaker’s
Learning to listen in our first
language is by no means easy. It requires considerable cognitive development
and constant attention to social and linguistic input over of period of several
grades. However, learning to listen in a second language seems to be even more
difficult. While it may not require more time to develop, second language
listening is confounded by a number of difficulties.
In responding to the students’
difficulties in learning to listen, first the teacher has to identify and to
classify the difficulties that are faced by the students. Second, he selects
and designs appropriate materials in solving the students’ difficulties, in
order to make the students more effective listeners.
Considering the difficulties or the
probles which are faced by the students, it will be better if the teacher
understands how the process of listening comprehension is achieved by them.
According to Hellene and Brown,
students learn to listen or read through two processes, they are bottom-up and
top-down processing (1994: xii):
Bottom-up processing
processing is trying to make sense of what we hear by focusing on different
parts; the vocabulary, the grammar, sounds, etc, however, it is difficult to
get overall parts. And when you try to understand what the speaker say by only
looking at the grammar or vocabulary that you do not understand since you are
learning a new language or foreign language then you can not focus on what you
are listening to.
Top-down processing
processing starts with background of knowledge called schema. Schema is
classified into two. First, content schema that is general knowledge based on
life experience and previous learning. Second, textual schema that is the
knowledge of language and content used in the particular situation: the
language you need at the office is different than what you need when
socializing with friends.
Furthermore Brown (1997: 11) states
that the active listener will use all relevant background knowledge of the physical
context of the utterance (the immediate surroundings, the place, the time of
day, etc), knowledge of the speaker ( gender, age, known opinions), knowledge
of the topic (and what the speaker is likely to know about it, or feel about
it), and so on.
In short, in the top-down
processing, students do not need to pay much attention to the language used. As
in some situations, the topic or the speaker is so familiar that they can take
for granted a great deal of what is said. It allows anchoring their
comprehension on what they think is relevant knowledge of the topic, the
speaker, and so on.
3. Types of Listening Activities
An essentialive listeners is
exposing the listeners to variety of listening activities. According to
Hellenes and Brown (1994: xii) there are three types of listening activities,
Listening skill for understanding the general meaning.
It is listening skill for
understanding the genral meaning. The listener is usually quick to understand
the idea of the text. He/she can imagine to catch the general meaning of
something he/ she hears.
Listening for the specific information/ listening for detail
It involves understanding the task
and focusing to catch certain information.
Listening between the lines/ understanding inferences
Understanding inferences is the most difficult skill in the listening
activities. It is not just imagining meanings. It is thinking about meaning
that is given, even though the specific words are not the stirty. Here, in this
listening activity, the hearer must be able to draw the inference of the story.
The first step the learning problems that studentep in constructing a
successful listening is to identify the learning problems that students are
experiencing as a result of listening to related issues. Ur (1996: 111-112)
identifies the learner’s problems and the solution as follows:
a. Trouble with the sounds
Most students rely mostly on context
for comprehension; they are often themselves unaware sound perception.
b. Have understand very word
Some students feel worried and stressed when they miss some
words of the text. Here, the teacher needs to give the students practice in
selective ignoring of heard information/something, they do naturally in their
mother tongue. The teacher should explain this point to the students, and set
them occasional tasks that ask them to scan a relatively long task for one two
limited items of information.
c. Cannot
understand fast, naturally native speaker
The students can only understand if
the teacher talks slowly and clearly. They cannot understand fast, natural
native-sounding speech. To overcome this problem, the teacher has to expose the
students to as much spontaneous-informal
talk as possible, so they can understand the native speech. The teacher can
also provide them with the sorts of discourse at the right level for them.
d. Need to
hear thing. More than once
In order to understand, students
need more than once to hear the text. In this problem, the teacher can try to
use texts that include “redundant” passage and within which the essential
information is presented more than once and not too intensively and give the
students the opportunity to request clarification oe repetition during the
e. Find it
difficult to keep up
The students feel overloaded with
incoming information. The solution is not (so much) to slow down the discourse
but rather to encourage them to relax, stop trying to understand everything,
learn to pick out what is essential and allow them to ignore the rest.
f. Get
Sometimes, students feel tired and
bored to listen, if the discourse is too long. They also feel more difficult to
concentrate: The solution of this problem is similar with the third problem.
Similar to Ur (1996: 113), Rost
(1994: 119) has identified the listener’s problems as follows: acuity of
hearing, discrimination and auditory perception, attention and concentration,
comprehension including four aspects, namely: factual or literal comprehension,
interpretation, critical listening, and evolution listening.
a. Acuity of hearing
Some pupils have physical problems
which prevent them from participating full or owing to environmental problem (
such as noise), are not hearing what is said.
Discrimination and auditory perception
Some pupils have problem with
auditory memory (recalling what they have just heard) and sequential memory (recalling
in correct sequence of words or utterance they have just heard.
Attention and concentration
Many pupils have difficulties
following instructions owing to apparent in attention and concentration. Such
pupils may not be adapting well to the numerous distraction in a typical
Numerous pupils have difficulties
with different aspects of listening comprehension. Some have trouble with
factual or literal comprehension (identifying what was said or what facts were
stated); others have trouble with interpretation (such as categorizing new
information or seeing cause-effect relationship between facts); other have
trouble with critical listening (applying what they have heard and
problem-solving). Still others have problems with evolutional listening
(appreciating or commenting critically on what they have heard.
5. Difficulties in Listening
According to many experts (Dunkel, 1991; Richards, 1983; and Ur, 1984),
there are eight factors making listening difficult as follows:
a. Clustering, in written language we are conditioned to attend the sentence as
the basic unit of organization. In spoken language, due to the memory
limitations and our predisposition for “chunking” or clustering, we break down
speech into smaller group of world.
b. Redundancy, spoken language unlike written language, has a good deal of
redundancy. The next time we are in conversation, notice the rephrasing,
repetitions, elaborations, and little insertion of “I mean” and “You know”,
here and there. Such redundancy helps the hearer to process meaning by offering
more time and extra information.
c. Reduced form, while spoken language does indeed contain a good deal of
redundancy, it also has many reduced forms. The reduction can be phonological,
morphological, syntactic, and pragmatic. These reductions pose significant
difficulties especially to classroom learners.
d. Performance variables, in spoken language, except for plan discourse, hesitations, false
starts, pauses, and correction are common. Learners have to train themselves to
listen for meaning in the midst of all these distracting performance
e. Colloquial language, learners who have been exposed to standard written English and/or
‘textbook’ language sometimes find it surprising and difficult to deal with
colloquial language. Idioms, slang, reduced forms, shared cultural knowledge,
are all manifested at some point of conversation.
f. Rate of delivery, virtually every language learner initially thinks that native
speaker speak too fast. Actually as Richard (1983) points out, the number of
length pauses used by a speaker is more crucial to comprehension than sheer
g. Stress, rhythm, and
intonation, the prosodic features of the English
language are very important for comprehension. As a stressed time language,
English speech can be a terror for some learners as mouthfuls of syllables come
spilling out between stress points.
h. Interaction, unless a language learner’s objectives is exclusively to master
some specialized skill like monitoring radio broadcast or attending lectures,
interaction will play a large role in listening comprehension.
Based on some theories mentioned in Chapter II, it can be concluded that
listening skill is an active, purposeful processing of
making sense what we hear. When listening, the hearer has willingness and
competence to understand what is said. Specifically, students need to know the
listening competence they most frequently encounter in their academic studies
in order to successfully complete their assignments. To improve student’s
listening skill, the students are capable to discriminate sounds, identify main idea and listen for detail
information both text and sentence.
6. Types of Classroom Perfomance
With literally hundreds of possible
techniques available for teaching listening skill, it will be helpful to think
in terms of several kinds of listening perfomance. (Rost, 1994: 119).
The types
of listening perfomance are as the following:
a. Reactive
This kind of listening perfomance
requires little meaningful processing, it nevertheles may be a legitimate, even
though a minor, aspect of an interactive communicative classroom. The role of
the listeners is merely as a “tape recorder” because the listeners is not
generating meaning.
b. Intensive
The purpose of the technique is to
focus on components (phonemes, words, intonation, discourse etc) of discourse.
It may be considered to be intensive, as opposed to extensive, in their
requirement that students single out certain elements of spoken language.
A significant proportion of
classroom listening activity consists of short stretches of teacher language
designed to elicit immediate response. The students’ task in such listening is
to process the teacher ralk immediately.
Rost (1991: 3) liste the necessary component skills in the
listening as: (a) discriminating between sounds; (b) recognizing words; (c)
identifying grammatical grouping of words; (d) identifying pragmatic
units’-expression and set of utterances which function as a whole units to
create meaning; (e) connecting linguistic cues (gesture and relevant objects in
the situation) in order to construct meaning; (f) using background knowledge
(what we has already know about the content and the form) and context (what we
has already been said) to predict and then to confirm meaning; (g) recalling
important words and ideas.
To be successful in listening,
listeners involve an integration of these component skills. That means
listening is not the individual skills themselves instead it is a coordination
of the component skills. A person’s listening ability is the integration of the
perception skills, analyzing skills, and synthesis skills.
In listening comprehension, use
effective listening skills can help students capitalize on the language input
they are receiving. Axbey (1989: 4) states that successful listening in the
classroom depends partly on good preparation. The context of what he or she is
going to listen should be introduced to the students such as who is speaking,
where, when, and to what purpose. This information enables them make
predictions of the content and language, for example, before and during
To think that listening task, there
are some aspect such as discriminating (spelling sound discrimination), identifying
main idea, and listening for detailed information which are used by the
researcher to conduct teaching listening and used in testing the students’
listening ability. The task for the researcher in designing listening test is
determining the active or passive listening. Specifically, students need to
know the listening comptence they most frequently encounter in their academic
studies in order to successfully complete their assignment. In order to reuly
know how to listen well, students must:
Some pupils have problem with auditory memory (recalling what they have
just heard) and sequential memory (recalling in correct sequence of words or
utterance they have just heard.
Recognizing Words
In order to recognize word, we have to perform three stimultaneous
processes: find the most probable ‘candidate word’ among several posibilities,
estimate the best meaning of the word in the context, and find the ‘refence’
for the speaker’s words.
A significant proportion of classroom listening activity consists of short
strches of teacher language designed to elicit immediate responses. The
students’ task in such listening to process the teacher talk immediately.
Some have trouble with factual or literal comprehension ( identifying what
was said or what facts were stated); others have trouble with interpretation
(such as categorizing new information or seeing cause-effect relationship
between facts); others have trouble with critical listening (applying what they
have heard and problem solving). They are some ways in which the students
comprehend, they are:
Understanding for the specific information
It involves
understanding the task and focusing to catch certain information.
2) Understanding for the inferential information
inferences is the most difficult skill in the listening activities. It is not
just imagining meanings. It is thinking about meaning that is given, even
though the specific words are not the stirty. Here, in this listening
activitiy, the hearer must be able to draw the inference of the story.
3) Understanding for the main idea
It is listening
skill for understanding the general meanings. The listener is usually quick to
understand the idea of the text. He/she can imagine to catch the general meaning
of something he/she hear.
From the
expalantion above, it can be concluded that listening is an activity of paying
attention to what has been heard in order to understand the message. Listeners
take in the sounds uttered by a speaker and use them to construct an
interpretation of what they think the speaker intends to convey. Listening
skills consist of the aspect of discriminating sounds, identifying main idea,
and listening for detailed information.
7. Definition of
Teaching Listening Comprehension
Comprehension is often considered to
be the first-order goal of listening, the highest priority of the listener and
sometimes the sole purpose of listening. Although the term listening
comprehension is widely used to refer to all aspects of listening, the term
comprehension will be discussed more specific here.
According to Rost
(2002: 59) comprehension is the process of relating language to concepts in
one’s memory and to reference in the real world. Comprehension is the sense of
understanding what the language used refers to in one’s experiences or in the
outside world. Complete comprehension then refers to the listener having clear
concepts in memory for every referent used by the speaker.
The process of comprehending occurs
in an on going cycle as the listener is attending to speech. A concrete
starting point of discussing how comprehension takes places is the notion of
“given” and “new” information. The term “new” refers to the status that the
information is undefined by the listener. “Given” refers to the status that the
information is already known by the listeners. Most fundamental aspect of
comprehension is the integration of the information conveyed by the text with
information and concepts already known by the listeners. In teaching listening
there are main stages that we should construct. It is the same as we teach
listening comprehension. They are:
a. Pre-listening
Pre-listening is the warming up
activity before the students have the real listening tasks. Pre-listening is
how we can help learners achieve the balance between the top-down and bottom-up
processing. In many warm-up activities, learners do task to activate their
schemata. When learners use both top-down and bottom-up processing, this is
called interactive processing. Pre-listening activity is almost the same as
brainstorming in reading or writing.
In real life it is unusual for
people to listen to something without having some idea of what they are going
to hear. Rees in his article at explain that pre-listening
task aim to deal with (1) Setting the context i.e. giving an idea about who is
speaking, where and why. (2) Activating current knowledge i.e. asking questions
related to the context. (3) Acquiring knowledge i.e. providing knowledge input
to the students. (4) Activating vocabulary or language i.e. providing
vocabulary that they may find in the context. (5) Checking or understanding the
listening tasks i.e. give students plenty of time to understand the main
listening comprehension.
b. Listening tasks
are three types of listening activities for beginners’ level. They are
listening for specific information, listening and inferencing.
c. Post-listening
range of post listening activities is at least as wide as listening tasks
themselves. At times, post listening maybe as simple as checking the answers to
comprehension questions, either by the teacher telling the learners what the
correct answers are, by eliciting answers from the students themselves, or by
having students compare their answers in pairs or small groups (Helgesen and
Brown, 2007: 17).
8. Principles for
Developing Listening Ability
To develop listening ability,
learners need a great deal exposure to spoken language and sample practice in
various listening situations. However, in addition to exposure and practice, it
is of vital importance for the listeners to become engage in the process of
listening and develop desire to understand. Different type of listener will
have different approach to their development of listening ability.
a. Listening ability
develop through face to face interaction
Face to
face interaction provides stimulation for development of listening for meaning.
Learners have the chance for new language input and the chance to check their
own listening ability by interacting in English.
Listening develop through focusing on meaning and trying to learn new and
important content in the target language.
Learners can activate both their linguistic
and non-linguistic abilities to understand by focusing on meaning and real
reasons for listening.
Listening ability develops through work on comprehension activities.
By focusing on specific goals for
listening, learners can evaluate their efforts and abilities. By having
well-defined comprehension activities, learners have opportunities for
assessment of what they achieved and for revision.
Listening develops through attention to accuracy and an analysis of form.
Learners can make steady progress by
learning to perceive sounds and words accurately as they work on meaning-oriented
activities and they gain confidence in listening for meaning by learning to
hear sounds and words more accurately.
9. Kinds of Listening
There are two kinds of listening texts; they are monologue text and
dialogue text. In monologue the listener is not required to respond the
massage. It is also called an informational listening. This is where
information is communicated to the listeners. Monologue can be planned, or
unplanned. Monologues are the example of one way communication. There are some
other kinds of one way communication, they are Radio and television programs,
public address announcements (airports, train/bus stations, stores) and
Speeches and lectures
Dialogue requires listeners to respond to what is being
communicated. The goal of dialogue is to develop interaction between people. In
dialogues, there are interpersonal and transactional dialogues. The listener
communicates something back to the speaker. For example, greeting between
friends, a meeting business discussion
and giving or receiving instructions at work.
According to Brown (1996: 234) the importance of listening in
language learning can hardly be overestimated. Through perception, we
internalize linguistic information without which we could not produce language.
In classroom, students always do more listening than speaking. Listening
competence is universally “larger” than speaking competence. Listening
comprehension does not always draw the attention of educators that it now has.
Perhaps human beings have a natural tendency to look at speaking as the major
index of language proficiency. Listening as a major component in language
learning and teaching first hit the spotlight in the late 1970s with James
Asher’s (1977) work on Total Physical Response, in which the role of
comprehension was given prominence as learners were given great quantities of
language to listen to before they were encouraged to respond orally.
Based on the term of listening above,
listening is the major activity in teaching learning process and this activity
always precedes speaking, it is impossible to expect a student to produce a
sound which does not exist in her mother tongue or a natural sentence using the
stress, rhythms and intonation of a native speaker of the foreign language without
first of all providing him with a model of the form he produces.
The logical first step in attempting, to achieve oral fluency or
accuracy is considering the learners’ ability to listen. So, teachers must
develop the students’ ability in order to give better chance to them to
understand well what they hear in teaching learning process.
10. Dictation and
Closely Related Auditory Tasks
a. Kind of Dictation Tasks
part focuses attention on a family of auditory testing procedures. The best
researched of them is a variety of dictation which we will refer to as standard
dictation. This variety and others related to it are described in some detail
below, but is should be noted early that the few testing techniques which are
discussed in this and in following parts are scarcely indicative of the range
of possible pragmatic testing procedure. More particularly, the few auditory
tasks described in this part are far from a complete accounting of possible
tests. In fact, no complete listing can ever be obtained because their number
is unbounded in principle. The techniques discussed are intended merely to
introduce some of the possibilities that are known to work well. It is not to
set the limits of the range of pragmatic auditory tasks that are possible.
Among the family of
dictation procedures that have been used in a variety of ways as testing
techniques are standard dictation, partial/cloze dictation, dictation with
competing noise, dictation/composition, and elicited imitation.
Cloze dictation
(sometimes known as Partial is a combination technique of dictation and the
cloze procedure. In partial dictation, actually all of the materials presented
in an auditory version, and part of it is also presented in printed form. The
portions of text that are missing in the printed version are the criterion
parts where the examinee must write what is heard – hence, though all of the
material is presented in an auditory form, only part of it is really dictated
for the learner to write down. The technique has a great deal of flexibility
and may be done in such a way as to break up the text somewhat less than the
standard of dictation.
Johansson (1973)
suggests two methods for selecting materials. On way is to tape a portion of
natural discourse- a lecture, a radio program, a conversation, or some other
verbal exchange. Another is to concoct a text or script to be tape recorded as
if it were one of the foregoing, or merely to tape record a script, say, a
paragraph of prose. In the first case it is necessary to transform the auditory
version into a written form, that is, write the script. In the second, one
starts with the script and then makes a recording of it. Another step in either
case is to decide what portions of the script to leave blank. Once those
decisions are reached, pauses of sufficient length must be inserted in the
taped version.
b. The
Benefit of Cloze Dictation
Brown’s book acclaiming the
positive benefits of the beleaguered cloze dictation practice helped it become
popular again. It was extensively used in tandem with the grammar-translation
method which was popular in the United States until WWII as well as with the
direct and reading methods. However, after World War II, schools adopted the US
army’s new method for training translators and interpreters quickly, in less
than one year, for the war effort, the method now known as the audio-lingual
method. The audio-lingual method stressed aural and oral skills by focusing on
oral repetition. As the audio-lingual method became more popular in foreign
language teaching during the 1960’s, dictation as a teaching tool, considered
“non-communicative”, slipped out of favor once again. It was resurrected as a
testing tool, however, for evaluating overall language proficiency, which will
be discussed in the next section.
cloze dictation we have the most perfect combination of faculties and
functions. There is the accurate tongue, speaking to the listening and
discriminating ear; there is the reproductive hand, bringing back to the
intelligent and critical eye that which the mind has heard by ear --all the
faculties of perception, conception, and expression are alert and in harmonious
cooperation (Joynes as cited by Sawyer and Silver, 1961: 40).
c. Factors influencing
the task difficulty are as follows:
The conceptual
difficulty of the word sequences cloze/partial dictation (other factors being
held constant) they are:
The overall speed of presentation.
The length of sequences of material that are presented
between pauses.
c. The signal to noise
ratio - i.e. the amount of noise added to the material.
d. The number of times
the text is presented.
e. The dialect and the
enunciation of the speaker and the dialect the hearer is most familiar with.
f. A miscellany of other
Since the purpose of the test is
decidedly not to assess the speed with which examinees can write, the pauses
must be long enough to ensure that the task is not turned into a speed writing
context. A rule of thumb suggested by Oller is for the examiner to sub
vocalize the spelling of each sequence of verbal material twice during the
pause while the learners are writing it.
d. The fixed-ratio
The most commonly used, and
therefore, the best researched type, is the cloze test constructed by deleting
every nth word of a passage. It called fixed-ratio method because it
deletes 1/nth of the words in the passage. For instance, an every 5th
word deletion ratio would result 1/5th of the word being blanked out
of the text. By this technique, the number of words correctly replaced (by the
exact-word scoring procedure) or the number of contextually appropriate words
supplied (by the contextually appropriate scoring method) is a kind of overall
index of the subject’s ability to process the prose in the text. Or
alternatively the average score of a group of examinees on several passages may
be taken as an indication of the comprehensibility of each text to the group of
subjects in question. Or from yet another angle, constraints within any text
may be studied by comparing scores on individual items.
e. Variable-ratio
Instead of deleting words according
to a counting procedure, words may be selected on some other basis. For
instance, it is possible to delete only words that are richly laden with
meaning; typically these would include the nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs,
or some combination of them in the text in question. Another version leaves out
only the so-called function words, e.g., the prepositions, conjunctions,
articles and the like.
It is also possible to use an every nth
word procedure with some discretionary judgement. This is probably the most
commonly used method for classroom testing. Instead of only deleting words on a
counting basis, the counting technique may be used only as general guide. Thus,
it is common practice t skip over items such as proper nouns, dates, and other
words that would be excessively difficult to replace.
Because of the fact that cloze items
are usually scattered over an entire text on some fixed or variable ratio
method, cloze tests are generally tests of discourse level processing. Further,
it has been shown that performance on cloze items is affected by the amount of
text on either side of a blank up to at least fifty words plus (Oller, 1975).
Apparently cloze items reflect overall comprehension of a text. Not every item
is sensitive to long-range constraints (Chaves, Oller, Chihara, and Weaver,
1977) but enough items apparently are sensitive to such constraints to affect
overall performance.
It is difficult to imagine anyone
filling in the blanks on a Cloze test correctly without understanding the
meaning of the text in the sense of mapping it onto extra linguistic
context-hence; Cloze tests seem to meet the second of the two pragmatic
naturalness constraints.
f. The Advantages and
Disadvantages of Cloze Dictation
1) The Advantages of Cloze Dictation
Contrary to essay writing which can be judged as too open ended, a
dictation is right or wrong, therefore it is an easy exercise for new
instructors and it can give students a chance to know where they stand compared
to the rest of the class. Among the list of 21 advantages offered by Ruth
(1) Develops short term memory.
(2) It can be an excellent
review exercise.
(3) It is challenging.
(4) Involves the whole class, no matter how large it is.
(5) Corrections can be done by the students.
(6) Can be prepared for any level.
(7) Dictation can help develop all four language skills in an
integrative way.
(8) Provides feedback for students as well as teachers.
Research has shown that learning to write down what you hear can encourage the
development of literacy.
It is
important that the candidates should be assessed in situations as close as
possible to those in which they will be required to use the language. For
dictation, this involves them listening to dictated material which incorporates
oral messages typical of those they might encounter in the target situation.
Given our concern with reliability as well as validity, it
is perhaps advisable to improve the overall reliability of a listening battery
by including a format which has a proven track record in this respect. A
dictation can provide this reliability through the large number of items that
can be generated as well as being valid for specific situation where dictation
might feature as a target group activity.
There is a lot of evidence which shows dictation correlating
highly with a great variety of other tests, particularly with other integrative
tests such as cloze and it is often employed as a useful measure of general
proficiency. There is some evidence that the use of a semantic scoring scheme
(see weir, 1983a) as against an exact word system serve to enhance the
correlations with other construct valid test of listening.
Criticisms of dictation in the past stemmed from a viewpoint
heavily influenced by structural linguistics that favoured testing the more
discrete elements of language skills and wished to avoid the possibility of
muddied measurement. Heaton (1975) commented” ‘as a testing device it measures
too many different language features to be effective in providing a means of
assessing any one particular skill’. The proponents of dictation, however,
consider its very ‘integrative’ nature to be advantage since it reflects more
faithfully how people process language in real life contexts.
The new interest in dictation reflected the paradigm shift
in testing values and objectives referred to above. Whereas in 1967 Vallette
had observed that foreign language specialists were not in agreement on the
effectiveness of dictation as an examination for more advanced students,
significantly ten years later she was able to state that dictation was a
precise measure of overall proficiency and an excellent method of grouping
incoming students according to ability levels.
An important factor in the return of dictation to popularity
as a testing device was the research carried out by Oller, which formed part of
a wider interest in integrative testing. Oller (1979) rejected current critics
of dictation and argued that it was an adequate test of listening comprehension
because it tested a broad range of integrative skills.
Oller (1979) claimed that a dynamic process of analysis by
synthesis was involved. Dictation draws on learner’s ability to use all systems
of the language in conjunction with knowledge of the world, context, etc., to
predict what will be said (synthesis of message) and after the message has been
uttered to scrutinise this via the short term memory in order to see if it fits
with what had been predicted (analysis).
Dictation for Oller tests not only a student’s ability to
discriminate phonological units but also his ability to make decisions about
word boundaries; in this way an examinee discovers sequences of words and
phrases that make sense and from these reconstructs a message. The
identification of word from context as well as from perceived sounds is seen by
Oller as a positive advantage of dictation in that this ability is crucial in
the functioning of language. The success with which the candidate reconstructs
a message is said to depend on the degree to which his internalised ‘expectancy
grammar’ replicates that of the native speaker. Fluent native speaker nearly
always score 100 per cent on a well administered dictation while non native
learners make errors of omission, insertion, word order, inversion, etc.,
indicating that their internalised grammars are, to some extent, inaccurate and
incomplete; they do not fully understand what they hear and what they encode is
correspondingly different from the original.
According to Oller, research showed that dictation test
results were powerful predictors of language ability as measured by other kinds
of language tests (see Oller, 1971:Valette, 1977)
2) The Disadvantages
of Cloze Dictation
Traditional cloze
dictation is not a great oral comprehension exercise since it has little to do
with authentic communication. Dictations are in fact written passages that are
read out loud so they do not help students to understand the difference between
the oral and the written language. Furthermore they are read at a slower pace
than people speak normally and are therefore of little value to help students
understand the language spoken by natives.
Memorizing, the short term memory can be
“overwhelmed” if they is too much that the student does not understand.
2. Writing respecting the relation between sounds
and letters is next to impossible if the student did not understand and
guessing does not always work. There is a great deal of emphasis put on
spelling mistakes in a dictation yet there is very little work done to help the
students to perceive the basic sound-spelling correspondences revealed by their
dictation errors.
3. Syllabic
but depends on a rhythmic group and which has no break between syllables.
Besides the
disadvantages above there are other disadvantages as follows:
(1) Alderson (1978a)
concludes that the evidence concerning dictation is inconclusive and that it is
useful only as part of battery of listening tests rather than a single
solution. He points out (1978a, p. 365) that:
reason it correlates more with some sub-tests than with others does not appear
to be date to the claimed fact that it is an integrative test, but because it
is essentially a test of low level linguistic skills. Hence the dictation
correlates best with those cloze tests, texts and scoring methods which
themselves best allow the measurement of these skills.
(2) Dictation will be trivial unless the short term memory of
the students is challenge and the length of the utterances dictated will depend
on the listeners’ ability up to the limit that native speaker counterparts
could handle.
(3) Marking
may well be problematic if one wishes to take into account seriousness of error
or if one wishes to adopt a more communicatively oriented marking scheme where
a mark is given if the candidate has understood the substance of the message
and redundant features are ignored.
(4) If the dictation is not recorded on tape, the test will be less
reliable, as there will be differences in, for example, the speed of delivery
of the text to different audiences.
(5) The
exercise can be unrealistic if the texts used have been previously created to
be read rather than heard.
11. Designing
Assessment Tasks
a. Intensive Listening
(2004: 122-139) provides some formats that can be applied in assessing listening
and he states that after determining the objectives the next step to be taken
is to design the tasks including making decisions about how to elicit
performance and how to expect the test-taker to respond. The tasks that will be
discussed here range from intensive listening performance, such as minimal
phonemic pair recognition, to extensive comprehension of language in
communicative contexts. In this section, the focus is on the micro skills of
intensive listening.
1) Recognizing phonological and morphological
this level, a typical form of intensive listening is the assessment of
recognition of phonological elements of language. In a classic task test the
test-takers are given spoken stimulus to identify from two or more choices.
pair, consonants
hear : He’s from California
read : (a) He’s from California
(b) She’s from California
pairs, vowels
hear : Is he living?
read : (a) Is he leaving?
(b) Is he living?
pair, -ed ending
hear : I missed you very much
read : (a) I missed you very much
(b) I miss you very much
Stress pattern in can’t
hear : My girlfriend can’t go to
the party
read : (a) My girlfriend can’t go
to the party
(b) My girlfriend can go to the party
One word stimulus
hear : vine
read : (a) vine
(b) wine
b. Responsive Listening
listening is a question and answer format. This can provide some interactivity
in these lower end listening tasks.
Example of appropriate response to a question:
Test-takers hear : How much
time did you take to do your homework?
Test-takers read : (a) in a
bout an hour
(b) about an hour
(c) about $10
(d) Yes, I did
of the wh- question how much and its appropriate response is the
objective of this item. To represent common learner errors, destructors are
chosen: (a) responding to how much vs. how much longer; (b)
confusing how much in reference to time vs. the more frequent reference
to money; (d) confusing a wh-question with a yes/no question.
multiple choice format is not the only frame but they can be offered in a more
open-ended framework in which test-takers write or speak the response, for
Test-takers hear : How much time did you take to do
your homework?
Test-takers write or speak: _________________________
c. Selective Listening
Listening is a type of listening performance in which the test-takers listen to
a limited quantity of aural input and must discern within it some specific
Listening Cloze
Listening cloze tasks is sometimes called cloze
dictation or partial dictations. This requires the test-takers to listen to a
story, monologue, or conversation and simultaneously read the written text in
which selected words or phrases have been deleted. In listening cloze task, the
test-takers see a transcript of the passage that they are listening to and fill
in the blanks with the words or phrases that they hear.
To avoid becoming a reading comprehension tasks,
item with high information load that cannot easily predicted simply by reading
the passage are used to guard against the eventuality.
Test-takers hear:
Ladies and gentleman, I now have some connecting gate information for
those of you making connections to other flights out of San Francisco.
seven-oh-six to Portland will depart from
gate seventy-three at nine-thirty P.M. light ten-forty-five to Reno will depart at nine-thirty-five
P.M. from gate sixty. And flight sixteen-oh-three to Sacramento will depart
from gate nineteen at ten-fifteen P.M.
write the missing words or phrases in the blanks.
listening close tasks may focus on a grammatical category such as verb tenses,
article, two-word verbs, preposition, or transition words/phrases. Unlike
standard reading cloze, in listening cloze, deletion are governed by the
objective of the test, not by mathematical deletions of every nth word;
and more than words may be deleted, just like the example above.
use of an exact word method of scoring in which only the actual word and
phrases are accepted and consider other appropriate words are incorrect should
be normally used in listening cloze tasks.
Information Transfer
transfer technique can also be used to asses selective listening in which
aurally processed information must be transferred to a visual representation,
such as labelling a diagram, identifying an element in a picture, completing a
form, or showing routes on a map. Simple picture-cued items are sometimes
efficient rubrics for assessing certain selected information at the lower end
of the scale of linguistic complexity. Example:
transfer: multiple-picture-cued selection
the correct picture. In my back yard I have a bird feeder. Yesterday, there
were two birds and a squirrel fighting for the last few seeds in the bird
feeder. The squirrel was on top of the bird feeder while the larger bird sat at
the bottom of the feeder screeching at the squirrel. The smaller bird was
flying around the squirrel, trying to scare it away.
see four different pictures with one is being correct.
example above illustrates the need for the test-takers to focus on just the
relevant information. This is to test prepositions and prepositional phrases f
location such as at the bottom, on top of, along with larger, smaller, so other
words and phrases like back yard, yesterday, last few seeds, and scare away are
supplied only as a context and need not be tested.
another genre of picture-cued tasks, a number of people or action can be
represented in one picture. The assessment that may test student’s
comprehension may be:
Questions: “Is the tall man near
the door talking to a short woman?”
True/false: “The woman wearing a red skirt is
watching TV.”
Identification: “Point to the
person who is standing behind the lamp.
“Draw a circle around the person to the left of the
Information transfer tasks may reflect authenticity
by using charts, maps, grids, timetables, and other artefacts of daily life.
Example of information transfer: chart-filling:
Test-takers hear:
Now you will hear information about Lucy’s daily schedule. The
information will be given twice. The first just listen carefully. The second
time, there will be a pause after each sentence. Fill in Lucy’s blank daily
schedule with the correct information. The example has already been filled in.
You will hear:
Lucy gets up at eight o’clock every morning except on weekends.
You will fill in the schedule to provide the information.
Now listen to the information about Lucy’s daily schedule. Remember you
will first hear all the sentences; then you will hear each sentence separately
with time to fill in your chart.
Lucy gets up at 8.00 every morning except on the weekends. She has
English on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at ten o’clock. She has History on
Tuesday and Thursday at two o’clock. She takes Chemistry on Monday from two
o’clock to six o’clock. She play tennis on weekends at four o’clock. She eats
lunch at twelve o’clock everyday except Saturday and Sunday.
Now listen a second time. There will be a pause
after each sentence to give you time to fill in the chart.
3) Sentence repetition
repetition is used for assessing listening comprehension by repeating a
sentence or a partial sentence. As in a dictation the test-taker must retain a
stretch of language long enough to reproduce it, and then must respond with an
oral repetition of that stimulus. Incorrect listening comprehension, whether at
the phonemic or discourse level, may be manifested in the correctness of the
h. Introduction to phonology
Before the study of forms there were sound. A person can make nonsense noises all day long, and that
is all that they would be, nonsense, but when you add meaning to those sounds
you have phonemes, and the
study of these phonemes is called phonology. You must
look beyond the letters themselves on paper and concentrate on the sounds of
these sounds like vowel sounds (AEIOU) and consonants (BCTRD). Isolating these
sounds will help in the learning process of phonology. Phonology is a very
broad study and goes into great detail. The objectives that have been focused
on will give you a general idea of what phonology is all about.
a. Sound Production
Speech sounds begin in the lungs and with the air that we breathe
in and out every day. It is up to us to utilize the oral cavity or mouth along
with the air to form the sounds that we want to make. We decide whether or not
the sound we want to make should be released through the nose or the mouth, if
the sound should be voiced or voiceless, how and where we will change the air
flow through the mouth, and if certain syllables should be stressed or
unstressed. We make these decisions every day without even being conscious of
1) Bilabial Stops
In the production of the sounds /p/ and /b/, the air is stopped at
the lips. The only difference between them is that the /p/ is voiceless and the
/b/ is voiced. Try pronouncing the following words and see if you can feel the
You may
notice or feel a sense of vibration when you pronounce the phoneme /b/. This
indicates the difference between voiced and voiceless sounds. Our vocal chords
are at work in order to produce the vibration that is felt between the lips and
in the vocal chords. If you feel a vibration, then the phoneme is voiced; if
not, then the phoneme is voiceless.
2) Alveolar Stops
In order to produce some sounds, the tip of the tongue stops the
air flow at the velum on the roof of the mouth. In the pronunciation of the
sounds /k/ and /g/, it feels as if the air is stopped at the back of the
throat. Try pronouncing these words in order to feel a difference between the
/k/ phoneme and the /g/ phoneme and see if you can tell which one is voiced and
which one is voiceless.
If you
said that the /k/ is voiceless and that the /g/ is voiced, then you are
3) Fricatives
When a speaker pronounces fricative consonants, parts of the mouth
such as the teeth and bottom lip partially block the flow of air. It is as
though something has obstructed the air flow, and it is fighting its way out.
Again, fricatives can be voiced or voiceless also. Some examples of fricative
phonemes are the /f/ and the /v/ and the (theta) and the (eth). The /f/ and the
/v/ phonemes are called labio-dental fricatives. This means that the air comes
through the teeth and the lips. The pronunciation of the following words will
give you a better understanding of the /f/ phoneme, which is voiceless, and the
/v/, which is voiced.
set of fricative phonemes are the interdental fricatives. We already know that
there is an obstruction with the pronunciation of fricatives; this time the
obstruction comes between the teeth. These may be more difficult to
differentiate because this pair is identical in spelling, "th";
however, they are different in pronunciation. Here are some examples:
one can feel the vibration in the tongue when pronouncing works such as
"the" and "bathe," we know that the phoneme (eth) is
voiced, and the (theta) is voiceless.
4) Alveolar Fricatives
The production of this sound results from an obstruction of the
air flow at the alveolar ridge. Instead of being located near or on the
lips, the tongue is now on the alveolar ridge. Two alveolar fricatives are the
/s/ phoneme, which is voiceless, and the voiced /z/. Pronounce the following
words and see if you can find a difference:
5) Phonemes
Phonemes represent a range of sound. Sounds or phonemes vary among
the differences between speakers whether they be native English speakers or
non-native speakers. In Understanding English Grammar, Martha Kolln and
Robert Funk give the example of a conversation between a native Spanish speaker
and a native speaker of English. The conversation goes something like this:
Amy : "Hey Jose!
How was your trip? Did you fly or travel by train?"
Jose : "No, I came
by sheep."
Amy : "Sheep? You
must mean ship."
Jose : "Yes, that's
what I said--sheep."
of using the phonemes in English, Jose is using the phonemes that he knows in
the Spanish language. We are aware of the differences between the vowel (i) in
sheep and the vowel (I) in ship. Spanish does not have a difference between the
vowel sounds; therefore, the pronunciation is different. Because phonemes are
such distinctive sounds, vowels and consonants can change the FORM AND MEANING
of a word. Form and meaning go hand in hand. In order to understand a language,
one must learn both. Even if you know the meaning of a word, you may not know
how to pronounce it; likewise, if you know how to pronounce a word, you don't
necessarily know what that word means. Look and consider the forms and meanings
of the following words:
- tip/sip
- dine/line
- bunk/dunk
All of
the above words seem similar, but differ from one another in meaning. The
difference between dine and line is that the initial sound of dine is /d/ and
the initial sound in line is /l/. The sounds of these two words are identical
except for the initial sounds, which are consonants. Each of these consonants
is considered a phoneme.
6) Minimal Pair
When studying phonemes, check to see whether changing a phoneme in
a word creates a new word; if it does, then these two words are "minimal
pairs," and you have two different phonemes. In other words, if the two
different words are identical except for a single sound segment that occurs in
the same place, then the two words are called a minimal pair. The words
"link" and "pink," "fine" and "wine,"
and "thrive" and "drive" are all minimal pairs. Remember that
all minimal pairs must sound alike in the same place of the word. If they
don't, then they are not a minimal pair. Words like "seed" and
"soup" are not a minimal pair.
i. Strategy of Cloze Dictation in Classroom Activities
strategies are techniques or activities that contribute directly to the
comprehension and recall of listening input. Listening strategies can be
classified by how the listener processes the input. Cloze Dictation engages
students in a step by step process that guides students through assosiation
in written and oral formsistening ability. The technique of Cloze Dictation is
given in the traditional style of reading the passage three times, the first
time at a normal speaking speed with the students only listening to get the
general meaning of the passage, the second time slowly enough for the students
to fill in the blank,
presenting the passage in word groupings or “chunks”, the third time at normal
speed, but allowing pauses between sentences to allow the students to fill in
any words or to correct any errors they perceived from the second reading. The
phrasing in giving the dictation is connoted in the passage with slashes.
Doing this technique, English listening
will be more meaningful if students are more highly engage.
j. Process of Cloze
Dictation in Listening Classroom
In this research, there are three stages of teaching learning process
using cloze dictation:
a. Pre-Dictation
In the
activity, the students must get the necessary background information they need
to know what the topic is about. The researcher can help students get ready for
the dictation by
helping them understand something about the topic they’ll be listening. They
can also teach the vocabulary that may be unfamiliar to the students. Finally,
the researcher should allow students to make some predictions about what the
students will hear during the dictation.
b. Whilst-Dictation
researcher sets some tasks the students must do whilst listening to cloze texts so that they can filter out (or ignore) what is not
important for their comprehension and write the texts down
corretly. Remember, the filtering helps the students to
concentrate on comprehending the information that is useful in
doing the comprehension tasks the researcher has set.
c. Post-Dictation
the researcher can present post-dictation activities. In these activities, the researcher will give the students a
chance to check their comprehension of the speech in light of the purpose (or
purposes) the researcher set up for the students.
B. Rationale
Cloze dictation is very essential in that it is the basic skill needed in learning any subjects.
It is a thinking activity which involves comprehension strategies of the listener to gain
knowledge. Particularly the ability to discriminate sounds, identify main idea, and listen for detailed information. When learning a
language, students need to know not only the grammar but also how to apply
language in real life contexts. By allowing students to use language in these
contexts, it makes learning more instrumental and therefore more realistic for
them. By using cloze dictation students are learning how to apply the language they have learned
in the classroom to situations that could happen outside the classroom. The
concept of transfer involves taking what one knows from one context and
applying it in another, thereby showing that one actually understands that
concept. This is an excellent way to gauge student understanding of particular
Some students encounter problems to activate those skills
in listening
These problems were indicated that students can not identify discriminate
sounds, identify main idea, and listen for detailed information,. Those factors considered as the sources that caused
the problems mentioned above. The first cause was the poor
of students’ listening skill; second, the lack of students’ reading
and writing skills by exposing the student to the written form of the language
as he listens to the spoken form; and students
were poor to recognize sight words
and to make associations of sounds with letters.
Viewed from the lecturer, the teaching learning process showed
that it
monotonous. The spoken exercises given are taken from text books. It means the
students just listen and must memorize the content of the texts which
are strange and abstract for them. The lecturer’s teaching techniques are not
quite attractive and challenging. The technique which was applied during
teaching learning process made the students in such passive situation as they
often got broad oral explanation from their teacher. Moreover, there is lack of
media to practice with. Besides, the listening test has a limited time to do
for the students. The lecturer focused more on doing exercises of the students’
activities. As the result, when the English class is going on, the students get
nervous. Even some of them like to leave their class. Due to the fact it is
necessary to make an attempt to improve student’s listening ability by applying another technique.
Knowing this condition, the
researcher selected cloze dictation because
it can be used to improve students’ listening
Cloze dictation is an
easier task from the students’ point of view though it takes more effort to
prepare from the vantage point of the examiner. It is easier to perform because
more sensory information is given concerning the message - a cloze written
version and a complete spoken version. This technique is extremely useful for
testing both reading and listening ability. It is challenging so, the students
get more vocabulary from learning words based on the context.
C. Action Hypothesis
Based on the rationale of the study,
the hypothesis is formulated as follows: technique of using cloze dictation can
increase the ability of students in listening.
Setting of the Research
This action research was carried out in first semester of STKIP
PGRI Ngawi of 2010/2011 academic year. This university is located on Jalan Raya
Klitik Km.5 Ngawi, phone number. (0351)749295. It is located in the edge of
province road Solo- Surabaya, so it is very easy and strategic for the students
to reach this institution. STKIP PGRI Ngawi, especially the English Department
of Teacher Training Education has eight classrooms which consists of first,
third, fifth and seventh semester. The first semester consists of two parallel
class, the third semester consists of three parallel classes and the fifth and
seventh semester consist of two classes for each. This institution seems that
there are an increasing number of students significantly. It is due to the
government policy about the better prosperity of teachers.
This institution has a mosque, a teacher office, five toilets,
a parking area, a language laboratory, and micro teaching room, but it does not
have other more important facilities such as multi media room, laptop with LCD
in each classroom, and internet room. Meanwhile, a library provided there does
not give sufficient books references to support teaching and learning process.
There are totally fifty eight lectures in STKIP PGRI Ngawi, and among them,
more than thirteen English lecturers teach in the English Department.
In doing the research, the researcher arranged the
procedure carefully based on the tight time schedule. This research was done
from August 2010 to March 2011. Research instruments were prepared by the
researcher in August and September. October until December 2010 was very important time
for doing the research, collecting the data, and analyzing the collected data. Finally,
writing the research report was in January to March, 2011.
Subject of the Research
The subject
used by the researcher is the students of the
first semester class B of STKIP PGRI Ngawi. The
reason why the researcher chooses the first semester of class B is that they
got a serious problem on listening. It was indicated by the previous listening
test. Class B consists of 45 students. In this research 30 students become the
subject of the research. The students learn English classically in the classroom.
Pre Test (a paper and pen test to see the cloze dictation mastery), Post Test
(a paper and pen test to evaluate the increasing of cloze dictation). The data
were analyzed to answer the research problems.
This action research is in two cycles and each cycle consists of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting.
The researcher will continue to the second cycle using cloze dictation after the
first cycle as the researcher knows the problem.
C. Method of the Research
The research method used in this study is an
action research. The
definitions of action
research are stated by many experts such as;
Elliot (1991: 69) Action research is the study of social
situation with a view to improve the quality of action within it. It aims to
feed practical judgment concrete situations and the validity of the theories or
hypothesis it generates depends not so much on scientific test of truth, as on
their usefulness in helping people to act more intelligently and skillfully. In
action research theories are not validated through practice.
Niff that is quoted from Carr and Kemmis(1996) defined that; Action
research is a form of self reflective enquiry undertaken
by participants (teachers, students or
principals) in social (including educational) situation in order to improve the
rationality and justice of
1. Their own social or
educational practices,
2. Their understanding of their
3. The situation and institution in which these practices are carried
From the definition above, it can be drawn an
inference that action
research is carried out in school to
improve the teaching learning process in order that the students’ achievement
are satisfactory. Here action research is conducted to improve the students’
listening ability. In the reality the students’ listening skill in university
is still unsatisfactory.
Mills (2000: 5) also defines that, Action research is as a
inquiry done by teacher or other individuals in teaching
or learning environment to gather information about and subsequently improve
the ways their particular school operates, how they teach and how they learn.
From the definition above, Action research can be defined as a
systematic study to overcome education problems or to
change things related to educational problems for better done by teachers or
practitioners, or in collaboration of teacher and researcher by means of their
own practical action and by means of their own reflection toward the effect of
those action.
From the definition above, it can be concluded
that the characteristics
of this action research are as follows;
Action research is the
systematic study attempting to overcome real problems. In this research, the
classroom action research is the attempts to overcome the students’ problems
(improving listening skill).
Action research is a form of
self-reflective inquiry undertaken or carried out by participant in educational
situation rather than outside researches. In this research, the classroom
action research is carried out by the teacher herself as researcher.
Action research is a kind of
collaborative research. It means the research takes participants in the form of
team consisting of insiders and outsiders. The insiders are some teachers who
want to do action research, the outsiders are the researchers in their field,
and in this classroom action research is done by English teacher herself as
researcher and her collaborators.
The action research is intended
to change things to be better than before. In this research, the classroom
action research is intended to change the students listening skill to be better
than before.
The action research is intended
to improve the educational practices rationally. In this case the technique of
using cloze dictation is applied in teaching listening.
The action research is intended
to develop new media to solve problem with communicative approach using cloze
dictation. In this research, the classroom is intended to develop the new media
using cloze dictation for teaching listening to solve the problems faced by
students in listening.
D. The Research Procedures
In this classroom action
research, each procedure takes six steps in one
They are as follows:
Identifying the problems.
researcher identifies the problems first before planning the action. The
problems refer to the factors making the students have difficulty in
listening. To identify the problems, the researcher uses questionnaire. It is
used to know the difficulties of the students in listening activity. And pre
test to know the students’ listening skill.
Planning the action,
researcher prepares everything related to the action as follows: Set a
or decide in advance what to listen for. Decide if more linguistic or
background knowledge is needed. Those steps can be divided into some detailed
Preparing materials, making lesson plan and designing the steps in doing
the action.
Preparing sheets for classroom observation (to know the situation of
teaching-learning process when the technique is applied).
Preparing teaching aids and media
Preparing a test (whether the
students understand or not).
Implementing the action.
a. The researcher implements the teaching learning
activity of listening ability using Cloze dictation
b. Monitor comprehension Verify
predictions and check for inaccurate guesses.
c. Decide what is and is not important to understand.
d. Listen/view again to check comprehension.
Observing and monitoring the action.
researcher observes all activities in teaching learning process
while the college as a collaborator
evaluates the teacher’s teaching. Offer suggestion on the best way to teach,
and help make a field note.
5. Reflecting data and
resulting of the observation
The researcher makes
an evaluation on all she has observed to find the
weakness of the activities that have been carried out in using cloze
dictation in teaching listening. Evaluate
comprehension in a particular task or area. Evaluate overall progress in
listening and in particular types of listening tasks. Decide if the technique used were appropriate for the purpose and for the task.
Modify strategies if necessary
6. Revising the plan
on the weakness of the activities that have been carried out in
using cloze dictation in teaching listening,
the researcher revised the plan for the next cycle.
this classroom action research, it takes two cycles to improve the
listening class.
F. Data and Technique for
Collecting Data
Data have a very important role in research,
because without data, it is
to get the result of the research. To obtain the data, the researcher used some
instruments in collecting data, namely: observation, interview, and test.
1. Observation
The observation is a
technique of collecting data by closely watching and noticing the events during
the teaching learning process in the classroom. In this research, the
researcher used the real time. According to Wallace (1998: 106) the real
observation and analysis as the teaching learning actually happens by using any
electronic means of recalling the data and it will be done by making checklist
or simply taking notes.
researcher with the collaborator observe all of the students’ activities and
situation during the taeching learning process using cloze dictation technique.
The function of the collaborator here is to evaluate the researcher’s teaching,
to offer suggestion on the best way to teach and to help her to observe the
students in teaching and learning process. In other words, the collaborator was
the active participant who gave a big contribution to every step of her
2. Questionnaire
A questionnaire is a
research instrument consisting of a series of questions and prompts for the
purpose of gathering information from respondent (from Wikipedia, the free
encyclopedia). According to Burns (1999: 129) questionnaire is easier and less
time consuming to administer the interview and the responses of a large number
of information can be gathered. Related to this statement questionnaire will be
given by the researcher before and after treatment to the students to get
information from them about their activities, opinions, expectations, and
attitudes and perceptions. The researcher asked the students to fill the
questionnaire by reading the questionnaire and put √ to one of the responses.
3. Interview
Besides making the test,
observation, questionnaire, the researcher also interviewed the students about
their personal perception, experiences, opinions, and ideas related to all
classroom action research. According to Irawati Singarimbun (in Masri
Singarimbun, 2006: 192) salah satu metode pengumpulan data ialah dengan jalan
wawancara yaitu untuk mendapatkan informasi rinci dengan cara bertanya langsung
kepada responden. The researcher interviewed them at the beginning and the end
of the research to know their view about the teaching learning process,
especially in teaching listening comprehension.
4. Test
to Brown (2004: 3) a test is a method of measuring a person’s ability;
knowledge, or perfomance in a given domain. The goal in giving the test was to
measure the students’ achievement in listening commprehension. Test were
pre-test and post-test. Pre-tets was given to the students before being taught
using cloze dictation and post-test was given to the students after being
taught using cloze dictation. It is aim to know whether the students’ listening
ability improves or not, before and after taught using cloze dictation.
To get the valid test,
the internal validity and reliability is applied. There were pre-test and post-test which is
used to collect the data. Each test contained 30 items. They were 32 of the valid items from 40 items. The test consisted of
functional texts related to the texts that have been taught to the students.
G. Technique for
Analyzing Data
After the data were
collected, the researcher analyzed the scores from those tests by calculating
the mean of the pre-test and the post-test. The data collected were analyzed by
qualitative and quantitative ways. In analyzing qualitative data, the
researcher analyzed the improvement of teaching learning process by using
Constant Comparative Method. Strauss and Glasser (1980: 104) stated that
constant comparative method was more likely to be applied in the same study to
any kind of qualitative information, including observation, interviews,
documents, articles, books and so on. In analyzing the data, the researcher
investigated the field notes made regularly by the researcher. The researcher
also evaluated the teaching-learning process using cloze dictation by
considering the input and suggestions from her collaborator. The classroom action
research would be successful if there was an improvement of students’ written and oral forms. The success could be seen when
the students could do the listening test easily. Besides that the students’
response and reaction to the lesson of the listening ability was better than
before taught using cloze dictation and the students enjoyed and felt
comfortable in learning listening in the classroom.
The quantitative data
analyses were used to analyze the data from the result of the pre-test and the
post-test. It was done to compare the students’ listening comprehension before
and after each cycle or the result of the pre-test and post-test.
In determining the level
of the students’ listening comprehension, the two categories described by
Sudijono (2008:184) were applied with the interpretation graded from the
highest to the lowest scores, as shown in the following table:
Table 1
The System of Score Category
Correct Answer
The mean of the pre-test
and the post-test were calculated by the formulas as follows (Ngadiso 2008: 5):
X = mean of pre-test scores
∑X =
total score
Y = mean of post-test scores
∑Y = total score
n = the number of sample
Finally, by analyzing data from observation,
interview, and tests, the writer was able to draw a conclusion whether cloze
dictation technique could improve the student’s listening skill or not.
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