Senin, 30 Januari 2012


(An Action Research in the Semester One Students of English Department STKIP PGRI Ngawi, the Academic Year of 2010/2011)

Written to Fulfill One of the Requirements
to Get the Graduate Degree in English Education

Written by:
NIM S. 890908129


(An Action Research in the Semester One Students of English Department STKIP PGRI Ngawi, the Academic Year of 2010/2011)

NIM S. 890908129

Approved by Consultants
Date :...............................
Consultant I

Prof. Dr. Sri Samiati Tarjana
NIP.  194406021965112001
Consultant II

Dr. Abdul Asib, M.Pd.
NIP. 195203071980031005

The Head of English Education Department Graduate School
Sebelas Maret University Surakarta

Dr. Ngadiso, M.Pd
NIP.  196212311988031009

This thesis has been examined by the board of thesis examiners and approved as a fulfilment of the requirements of obtaining the Graduate Degree in
English Education of Sebelas Maret University

Board of Thesis Examiners:
Occupation          Names                                              Signature
Head                    Dr. Ngadiso, M.Pd                                                                 
Secretary             Prof. Dr. Joko Nurkamto, M.pd                                             
Consultant 1        Prof. Dr. Samiati Tarjana                                                        
Consultant 2        Dr. Abdul Asib, M.Pd.                                                           

The Director of Graduate Program

Prof. Drs. Suranto, M.Sc, Ph.D.
NIP. 195708201985031004

The Head of English Education
Graduate Program

 Dr. Ngadiso, M.Pd.
NIP. 196212311988031009


Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:
Nama                           : THERESIA BUDI SUCIHATI
NIM                            :  S. 890908129
Program Studi             : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Menyatakan dengan sesungguhnya bahwa tesis yang berjudul Improving Students Ability Using Cloze Dictation betul-betul karya sendiri. Hal-hal yang bukan karya saya dalam tesis tersebut diberi tanda citasi dan ditunjukkan dalam Daftar Pustaka.

Apabila dikemudian hari terbukti pernyataan saya tidak benar, maka saya bersedia menerima sangsi akademik yang berupa pencabutan tesis dan gelar yang saya peroleh dari tesis tersebut.
Surakarta,       2011
Yang membuat pernyataan,

           Theresia Budi Sucihati


We can’t hold a torch to light another’s path without brightening our own.


This is thesis is dedicated to
1.             My parents
2.             My most beloved sisters and all my friends


   First of all, the writer prays to Jesus Christ that she can finally finish this thesis as a partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Graduate Degree of Education in English. 
   In doing this work, the researcher realizes that she is unable to finish it without contributions, helps, suggestions, and comments from many people. She is greatly indebted to them. Therefore, in this opportunity she would like to express his gratitude to:
1.      The Director of Graduate Program of Sebelas Maret University for his permission to write this thesis,
2.      The Head of English Education of Graduate Program of Sebelas Maret University who has suggested and guided the writer to do this thesis well,
3.      Prof. Dr. Samiati Tarjana., her first consultant, whose patience, attention, kindness, time, criticism, and correction absolutely  encourages the writer to do his best,
4.      Dr. A. Asib, M.Pd., the second consultant, who thoroughly and patiently gives the researcher guidance and valuable ideas for the perfection of this thesis,
5.      The Head of STKIP PGRI Ngawi, who has given the researcher permission to conduct the research at that department,
6.      Her beloved parents, and her lovely sisters, for their love, tender, patience, support, and understanding,
7.      Her best friends for their togetherness, companion, cooperation, and abundant support,
8.      The first semester students of class 1B of English Department, STKIP PGRI Ngawi  to whom the researcher owes a lot,

                  Nothing is perfect except The God, and neither is this thesis. However, the researcher does hope that this thesis will be able to give useful contribution and utilized idea to improve the English teaching learning process.



PAGE OF TITLE.................................................................................................... i.                       
PAGE OF APPROVAL.......................................................................................... ii
PAGE OF LEGALIZATION................................................................................ iii           
PERNYATAAN..................................................................................................... iv
MOTTO .................................................................................................................. v
DEDICATION ...................................................................................................... vi
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.................................................................................... vii
TABLE OF CONTENT....................................................................................... viii
LIST OF TABLES........................................................................................... ....... x
LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................ ...... xi
ABSTRACT..................................................................................................... ..... xii
A.    Background of the Study........................................................ 1
B.     Problem Statement................................................................... 8
C.     The Objective of the Study...................................................... 8
D.    The Benefit of the Study......................................................... 9
A.    Review of Related Literature................................................ 10
                     1. Listening........................................................................... 10
a. The Definition of Listening.................................. ..... 10
                     2. Learning to Listen ...................................................... ..... 12
                     3. Types of Listening Activities ..................................... ..... 14
                     4. Listening Problem ....................................................... ..... 15
                     5. Difficulties in Listening .............................................. ..... 17
                     6. Types of Classroom Perfomance ................................ ..... 19
                     7. The Definition of Teaching Listening ........................       23
                     8. The Principle of Listening Ability .............................. ..... 25
                     9. Kinds of Listening Text .............................................       26
10. Dictation and Closely Related auditory Tasks .............. 28
       a. Kind of Dictation Tasks ............................................ 28
       b. The Benefit of Cloze Dictation ................................ 29
c. Factors influencing the Task Difficulty .................... 30
d. The Fixed-Ratio Method .......................................... 31
e. Variable-Ratio Method ............................................. 31
                            f. The Advantages and Disadvantages
                                 of Cloze Dictation .................................................... 32
                                 1) The Advantages of Cloze Dictation .................... 32
                                 2) The Disadvantages of Cloze Dictation ................ 36
                            g. Designing assessment Tasks ..................................... 38
                            h. Introduction to Phonology .................................. ..... 43
                            i. Strategies of Cloze Dictation ..................................... 48
                            j. Process of Cloze Dictation in Listening Classroom     48
              B.   Rationale .............................................................................. 49
              C.   Action Hypothesis ............................................................... 51
A.    Setting of the Research.......................................................... 52
B.     The Subject of the Research.................................................. 53
C.     Method of the Research......................................................... 53
D.    The Research Procedures ...................................................... 56
E.     Data and Technique for Collecting Data .............................. 58
F.      Technique for Analyzing Data .............................................. 60
A.      The Students Condition before the Research ...................... 64
B.      The Process of the Research ................................................ 68
C.      Research Implementation ..................................................... 70
D.      Research Findings and Discussion ..................................... 106
A.      Conclusion.......................................................................... 116
B.      Implication ......................................................................... 117
C.      Suggestion........................................................................... 118
BIBLIOGRAPHY........................................................................................... ... 120
APPENDICES................................................................................................. ... 123


Table 1     The System of Score Category........................................................ .. 62
Table 2     Situation Prior to Action Research.................................................. .. 64
Table 3     Overall Implementation of the Research......................................... .. 70
Table 4     Implementation of Cycle 1.............................................................. .. 74 
Table 5     Kinds of Questions and the average of Students’
                  Score ............................................................................................... .. 88
Table 6     The Average Score of Post-Test 1  ................................................. .. 89
Table 7     Students’ Responses to the Action .................................................... 90
Table 8     The Implementation of Cycle 2 .......................................................... 93
Table 9     Kinds of Questions and the Average of Students’ Score
                 In Cycle 2 ......................................................................................... 100
Table 10   The Computation of the Result Score Per Cycle ............................ 101
Table 11   The Student’ Achievement in Listening Ability ............................. 103
Table 12   The Result of each Test in Every Cycle ........................................... 106
Table 13   The Improvement of Listening Ability for each Indicator
                 In Two Cycles .................................................................................. 107

                                             LIST OF APPENDICES
Appendix 1       Blue Print of Pre-Test ............................................................. 123
Appendix 2       Pre-Test Items  ....................................................................... 124
Appendix 3       Answer Keys of Pre-Test Items ............................................ 127
Appendix 4       Validity Test Items................................................................. 128
Appendix 5       Reliability of Try Out ............................................................. 130
Appendix 6       Result of the Pre-Test ............................................................ 133
Appendix 7       The Computation of the Average score of
                           Pre-Test in each Aspect ......................................................... 134
Appendix 8       Students Questionnaire before cycle 1................................... 135
Appendix 9       The Result of Questionnaire before Cycle 1 ........................... 136
Appendix 10     Lembar Observasi Mahasiswa ............................................... 137
Appendix 11     Lembar Observasi Dosen........................................................ 138
Appendix 12     Lesson Plan Cycle 1 ................................................................ 139
Appendic 13     Answer Key of Lesson Plan Cycle 1 ...................................... 151
Appendix 14     Blue Print of Post-Test Cycle 1 .............................................. 154
Appendix 15     Students Listening Worksheet of Post-Test 1 ........................ 155
Appendix 16     Result of Post-Test Cycle 1..................................................... 158
Appendix 17     The Computation of the Average Score of
                           Post-Test Cycle 1 in each Aspect ......................................... 159
Appendix 18     Lesson Plan of Cycle 2 ........................................................... 160
Appendix 19     Answer Key of Lesson Plan Cycle 2 ...................................... 173
Appendix 20     Blue Print of Poste-Test 2 ....................................................... 176
Appendix 21     Students Listening Worksheet of Post-Test 2 ........................ 177
Appendix 22     Answer Key of Post Test Cycle 2 .......................................... 180
                          Transcripts of Cloze Dictation Texts .....................................  180a
Appendix 23     The Result of Post-Test Cycle 2.............................................. 181
Appendix 24     The Comparison of the Average Score of Post-Test
                          Cycle 2 in Each Aspect ........................................................... 182
Appendix 25     Students Questionnare after Cycle 2 ...................................... 183
Appendix 26     The Result of Questionnare after Cycle 2 .............................. 184
Appendix 27     The Interview after Cycle 2 .................................................... 185
Appendix 28     The Result of Interview after Cycle 2 .................................... 186
Appendix 29     The Researcher’ Field Notes Meeting 1 Cycle 1.................... 191
Appendix 30     The Researcher’ Field Note Meeting 2 Cycle 1..................... 193
Appendix 31     The Researcher’ Field Note Meeting 3 Cycle 1 .................... 194
Appendix 32     The Researcher; Field Note Meeting 1 Cycle 2 ...................... 195
Appendix 33     The Researcher’ Field Note Meeting 2 Cycle 2 .................... 196
Appendix 34     The Researcher’ Field Note Meeting 3 Cycle 2 .................... 197
Appendix 35     The Collaborator’ Field Note Meeting 1 Cycle 1.................... 198
Appendix 36     The Collaborator’ Field Note Meeting 2 Cycle 1 ................... 199
Appendix 37     The Collaborator’ Field Note Meeting 3 Cycle 1 ................... 200
Appendix 38     The Collaborator’ Field Note Meeting 1 Cycle 2 .................. 201
Appendix 39     The Collaborator’ Field Note Meeting 2 Cycle 2 ................... 202
Appendix 40     The Collaborator’ Field Note Meeting 3 Cycle 2 ................... 203
Appendix 41     Photograph ............................................................................ 204 


Theresia Budi Sucihati, S.890908129: Improving the Students’ Listening Ability Using Cloze Dictation (A Classroom Action Research at the First Semester of the English Department STKIP PGRI Ngawi, The Academic Year of 2010/2011). First consultant: Prof. Dr. Samiati Tarjana. Second consultant: Dr. Abdul Asib, M.Pd. Thesis English Education Department Graduate School, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta.
The main objectives of the research are: (1) to know whether technique of using cloze dictation can improve the students’ listening ability; (2) to know whether cloze dictation has the strengths and weaknesses of students’ listening ability; (3) to find out what happens to the class situation if cloze dictation is used to improve students’ listening ability
The research was conducted in STKIP PGRI Ngawi from August up to March 2011. The subject of the research was the first semester student of class IB. The research was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consisted of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. In collecting data the researcher used the quantitative and qualitative data. To obtain quantitative data the researcher administered the pre-test, post-test 1 and post test 2. In finding qualitative data, the researcher and collaborative lecturer observed directly in the classroom, interviewed the students, made questionnaire and also used photograph. The data collected were the qualitative data and the quantitative data. The qualitative data were collected from observation, interview, and questionnaire. The quantitative data were collected from the pre-test in pre-research and the post-test in cycle 1 and 2. The qualitative data were analyzed by Constant Comparative Method and the quantitative data were analyzed by descriptive statistics.
The result of this research showed that students’ listening ability was improved. The improvement was proved by the increase of the students’ mean scores from 61.11 in the pre-test to 67.22 in the Post-test of cycle 1 and to 75.00 in the post-tets cycle 2. The use of cloze dictation could improve the students’ listening ability because it helped the students in comprehending the listening materials. They were more confident in doing the tasks. They also enjoyed the teaching and learning process in listening class.
Based on the result above, the researcher could interpret that students had been able to comprehend the text, and they were more challenging and confident in doing the tasks. Finally, the researcher concluded that Cloze Dictation could be used to improve students’ listening ability.

Keyword: Cloze Dictation, Technique, Listening


Theresia Budi Sucihati. S.8909081429: Meningkatkan Kemampuan Siswa dalam Asosiasi Bentuk Tulis dan Lisan melalui Teknik Cloze Dictation (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas di Program Bahasa Inggris Semester 1 STKIP PGRI Ngawi Tahun Pelajaran 2010/2011. Pembimbing I: Prof. Dr. Samiati Tarjana. Pembimbing II: Dr. Abdul Asib, M.Pd. Thesis: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, 2011.
            Tujuan dari penelitian adalah: (1) untuk mengetahui apakah teknik menggunakan cloze dictation dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam mendengarkan; (2) untuk mengidentifikasi tingkat kelebihan dan kelemahan teknik cloze dictation ketika diterapkan dalam kemampuan siswa dalam mendengarkan, dan (3) untuk mengetahui apa yang terjadi dalam situasi kelas jika teknik cloze dictation digunakan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam listening.
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di STKIP PGRI Ngawi dari bulan Agustus sampai bulan Maret 2011. Subyek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IB semester I. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus. Masing-masing siklus terdiri dari Perencanaan, Tindakan, Pengamatan, dan Refleksi. Dalam pengumpulan data peneliti menggunakan data kuantitatif dan data kualitatif. Untuk memperoleh data kuantitatif peneliti menggunakan hasil pre-test, post-test siklus 1 dan post-test siklus 2. Sedangkan untuk mendapatkan data kualitatif peneliti dan kolaborator mengamati secara langsung di kelas, mengadakan wawancara dengan siswa, melakukan kuisioner dan mengambil foto. Data kualitatif dianalisa dengan metode perbandingan dan data kuantitatif dianalisa dengan menggunakan rumus rata-rata.
 Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa teknik cloze dictation adalah suatu teknik yang dapat menigkatkan kemampuan bentuk tulis dan lisan siswa. Peningkatan dapat dilihat dari hasil rata-rata pre-test 61.11, post-test 1: 67.22, post-test 2: 75.00. Teknik cloze dictation dapat menigkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam listening karena membantu siswa dalam memahami materi-materi dalam listening. Siswa lebih percaya diri dalam mengerjakan latihan soal. Siswa juga merasa senang dalam proses belajar mengajar di dalam kelas mendengarkan.
Bedasarkan hasil diatas, peneliti dapat menginterpretasikan bahwa siswa mampu memahami teks, dan mereka lebih tertantang dan percaya diri dalam mengerjakan latihan soal. Terakhir, peneliti memyimpulkan bahwa teknik cloze dictation dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam mendengarkan.

Kata kunci: Cloze Dictation, Teknik, Mendengarkan

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